Appreciation for Dean Howard Marchitello

As Director of MARCH, I wish to publicly acknowledge Dr. Howard Marchitello’s unwavering support and encouragement of innovation at MARCH during his term as Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Rutgers-Camden. Like his predecessors in the dean’s office, he played a vital role in extending our capacity to advance public humanities work on the Rutgers-Camden campus and across our region.

At critical junctures, Dean Marchitello provided support for our continuing education program in historic preservation, aiding its sustainability and helping to create a foundation for future growth. The program has been a thriving connection between Rutgers-Camden and a widespread community of adult learners, especially as it moved online during the COVID pandemic. More could have been served if Dean Marchitello’s request to create one additional staff position had been approved by higher administration. Dean Marchitello also supported the introduction of our new public humanities fellows program for faculty, which is strengthening interdisciplinary collaboration on the Rutgers-Camden campus.

Beyond Rutgers-Camden, Howard Marchitello advances public humanities through his service on the board of the New Jersey Council for the Humanities. He facilitated a new home for the Council on the campus of Rutgers-Camden, creating a long-lasting asset with opportunities for students as well as faculty.

Shortly before the abrupt end of Dean Marchitello’s leadership term, the Rutgers Foundation celebrated his success in raising $50,000 for Scarlet Promise Grants, an initiative launched by Rutgers President Jonathan Holloway. For this reason and many more, we appreciate Dean Marchitello’s vision and dedication and will continue to value him as a colleague and friend of MARCH.

Charlene Mires
Professor of History, Rutgers-Camden
Director, Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities