Apply For NCPH's 2013Working Groups & Poster Sessions

From the National Council on Public History:

NCPH has issued a call for working group discussants for its 2013 Annual Meeting to be held April 17-20, in Ottawa, Ontario.  Working groups will include facilitators and up to twelve discussants and will provide participants an opportunity to discuss in-depth a subject of shared concern before and during the annual meeting.  Participants have the chance to discuss questions and challenges specific to their experience or the field of public history in general with peers who grapple with similar issues.  Deadline has been extended until October 23.

There are six working groups being assembled for 2013:

1. The Challenge of Interpreting Climate Change at Historic Sites with a Conflicted Audience

2. Exhibiting Local Enterprise: Developing Online Exhibits

3. Teaching Public History

4. Public Historians and the Local Food Movement

5. Teaching Digital History and New Media

6. Best Practices for Establishing a Public History Program

Interested in joining a working group?  Submit a one-paragraph email message describing the issues  you wish to raise with your peers, together with a one-page resume, c.v., or biographical statement by October 16 October 23, to  Please include the specific working group title in the subject line of your email (for more information on specific working groups click here).  You may only apply for one working group, and all participants will be expected to register for the full conference.

NCPH is also seeking proposals for the Poster Session to be held Saturday, April 20, at the 2013 Annual Meeting.  The Poster Session is a format for public history presentations about projects that use visual evidence. It offers an alternative for presenters eager to share their work through one-on-one discussion, can be especially useful for work-in-progress, and may be a particularly appropriate format for presentations where visual or material evidence represents a central component of the project.

Proposals must be submitted electronically (in ONE PDF document) and include:

1. Contact information, including participant(s’) name(s), address(es), email(s), phone number(s), and affiliation(s), and a brief explanation of needs. (You may request 1?2 of a 6’ table, access to one electrical outlet, and/or an easel and foam core on which to display your poster.) Wireless internet access will be available. Participants must provide own computer if one will be used in the presentation. Due to limited space, projectors may not be used during the poster presentation.

2. An abstract of no more than 300 words (including title) that explains and promotes the project. Be persuasive! Imagine that the audience for the proposal abstract is a museum visitor, potential funding agency, recalcitrant policy board or client, or fractious community group.

3. A one-page c.v. or resume for each participant.

4. You are encouraged, but not required, to include a simple one- or two-page visual mock-up of the display (e.g., created in PowerPoint, Photoshop, or Publisher, etc. and saved as a PDF).

The deadline for submission is November 1, 2012.  There are travel scholarships available for Graduate Students.