An Invitation: Support Scholarship, Build Community, Create a Legacy

On March 21, join a community of scholars, students, and history lovers in supporting The Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia.

Wednesday, March 21 is Giving Day. Join a community of scholars, students, and history lovers, and make a gift to MARCH in support of one of our signature projects, The Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia.
We need your help! The Encyclopedia offers the most comprehensive, authoritative reference source ever created for the Philadelphia region, and with your help it will continue to grow.
Your donation of any amount will be used to employ the students who help to make The Encyclopedia possible! The first $200 donated on March 21 will be matched by a generous supporter. Act early, and help us continue to move the project toward completion.
?     $15 employs one student for one hour of research assistance or digital publishing.
?     $30 pays for fact-checking one new essay.
?     $90 pays for building one new topic page.
?     $150 employs one student for one ten-hour work week.
?     $2,100 employs one student for one semester. 
Donate on March 21 and help us to continue producing original scholarship and supporting the history practitioners of the future. Thank you!

How to Give:
?     Visit on March 21 to make a tax-deductible donation.
When you donate, select Research, Institutes & Cultural Programs and then MARCH (Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities) from the drop-down menu.
?     Or, call 732-839-GIVE (4483) and direct your gift to MARCH (Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities) today!
Spread the word on social media with #RUGivingDay and @MARCHRuCamden