America's 11 Most Endangered Historic Places

The 2015 list includes two from the Mid-Atlantic region.

Since 1988, the National Trust has used its list of America’s 11 Most Endangered Historic Places to raise awareness about the threats facing some of the nation’s greatest treasures. The list, which has identified more than 250 sites, has been so successful in galvanizing preservation efforts that only a handful of sites have been lost. Dozens of sites have been saved through the tireless work of the National Trust, its partners, and local preservationists across the country. Many more sites are now considered “favorable” and are on the path to a positive solution. Still, others remain threatened, and the National Trust and its partners continue in their efforts to protect these important endangered places.

The 2015 list includes two from the Mid-Atlantic region: the Chautauqua Amphitheater and the South Street Seaport, both of which are in New York.

Chautauqua Amphitheater is a National Historic Landmark located 70 miles southwest of Buffalo, N.Y. Known colloquially as the Amp, the Chautauqua Amphitheater, which has hosted a wide range of leaders, activists and artists over its 122-year history, is threatened by the Chautauqua Institution’s plan to demolish the Amp to make way for a new building. Chautauqua transformed American life as the first multi-use retreat in the U.S. that is an arts colony, music festival, village square and summer encampment all in one, spawning dozens of “daughter” Chautauquas throughout the U.S. Chautauqua programs have explored important religious, social and political issues of the day; engaged individuals and families in response to these issues; and fostered excellence in the appreciation, performance and teaching of the arts.

The South Street Seaport features some of the oldest architecture in New York City. The Seaport’s restored 19th-century commercial buildings transport visitors back in time, evoking the commercial trade of that era. Located along the East River, adjacent to the Financial District, the South Street Seaport is unique for its continuous relationship to the waterfront and its status as the focal point of the early maritime industry in New York City. While the Seaport is a locally designated historic district, and is separately listed on the National Register of Historic Places, it is currently under threat due to a series of development proposals that would disrupt the look, feel and low-scale historic character of the Seaport.

Read the full list of endangered historic places right here and find out how you can help support these educational sources.

From: National Trust for Historic Preservation