AHA Awards 2014 Research Grants

From the American Historical Association: The American Historical Association has announced the winners of the Bernadotte Schmitt Grant, Albert J. Beveridge Grant, Michael Kraus Research Grant, and Littleton-Griswold Grant. The grantees will be recognized at the annual meeting in January 2015.

From the American Historical Association:

The American Historical Association has announced the winners of the Bernadotte Schmitt Grant, Albert J. Beveridge Grant, Michael Kraus Research Grant, and Littleton-Griswold Grant. The grantees will be recognized at the annual meeting in January 2015. 

Congratulations to all of the recipients.  Winners from the Mid-Atlantic Region are:

Bernadotte Schmitt Grant to support research in the history of Europe, Asia, and Africa

Jack Meng-Tat Chia, Cornell Univ. “Diasporic Dharma: Buddhism and Modernity across the South China Sea, 1910s-70s”

Sarah Cook, Columbia Univ. “Making Global Health in Cameroon, 1945-70”

Elizabeth Burns Dyer, Univ. of Pennsylvania “Play on Words: Masked Politics and Misdirection in the History of Kenyan Theatre, 1945-2013” 

Kevin Michael Jones, George Washington Univ. “The Poetics of Revolution: Culture, Politics, and Modernity in Iraq, 1914-63” 

Matthew Minarchek, Cornell Univ. “The Final Frontier, Dutch Expansion and Territorialization in the Highlands of Aceh, Indonesia”

Samuel M. Ostroff, Univ. of Pennsylvania “Enterprise, Environment, Empire: The Indian Ocean Pearl Trade, 1658-1802”

Emma Adelaida Otheguy, New York Univ. “Facing the Gallego: Indirect Creolization in the 16th- and 17th-Century Atlantic”

Helen Pfeifer, Princeton Univ. “A Library for Sultans: Mamluk Books in Ottoman Imperial Collections” 

Shuang Wen, Georgetown Univ. “Mediated Imaginations: Chinese-Arab Connections in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries”

Albert J. Beveridge Grant to support research in the Western hemisphere 

William Schultz, Princeton Univ. “Garden of the Gods: Colorado Springs and the Myth of the Culture War” 

Littleton-Griswold Research Grant to support research in US legal history and in the general field of law and society

Kellen Funk, Princeton Univ. “The Lawyers’ Code: The Transformation of Legal Practice in 19th-Century America” 

See the full list of recipients here: http://blog.historians.org/2014/05/2014-aha-research-grants-awarded/