AASLH Seeks Nominations for Leadership in History Awards

From the American Association for State and Local History:

The AASLH is seeking nominations for its Leadership in History Awards given in recognition of superior and innovative achievements in the collection, preservation, and interpretation of state and local history.  AASLH accepts nominations for The Award of Merit and The Award of Distinction from which it selects candidates for the Albert B. Corey Award.

If you would like to nominate an organization or person for a Leadership in History award, then complete a Leadership in History Nomination Form and submit it to your AASLH State Leadership Team Leader.  Do not send nominations to the AASLH office. A nominee does not have to be an AASLH member to apply and self-nominations are encouraged.

If you would like a form mailed to you, please contact the AASLH office at(615) 320-3203 or by email at hawkins@aaslh.org.

The deadline for submission is March 1 of each year. Please send nomination information to your State Leadership Team Leader. Questions? Contact Bethany Hawkins, AASLH at 615-320-3203 or email hawkins@aaslh.org.