AASLH Presents Awards to Mid-Atlantic Projects

Organizations and leaders from the Mid-Atlantic were among the recipients of Awards of Merit given by the American Association of State and Local History (AASLH) at its annual meeting held in September in Detroit.

Organizations and leaders from the Mid-Atlantic were among the recipients of Awards of Merit given by the American Association of State and Local History (AASLH) at its annual meeting held in September in Detroit. The region’s honorees are:

Delaware: Aleasa Jay Hogate for her service to the collections, preservation, and interpretation of the seventeenth-century New Sweden Colony in the Delaware Valley.

District of Columbia: President Lincoln’s Cottage for the project “2015 Students Opposing Slavery International Summit” and  Ford’s Theatre Society for the “Remembering Lincoln” digital collection.

Maryland: Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum for the project “Artifacts of Outlander: Connecting the Public to History and Archaeology Using Popular Culture.”

New Jersey: Morven Museum & Garden for the project “Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh: Couple of an Age.”

New York: The Cayuga Heights History Project for its website;  the Brooklyn Historical Society for the project “Crossing Borders, Bridging Generations”; and Bruce W. Dearstyne for the publication The Spirit of New York: Defining Events in the Empire State’s History.

Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Lumber Museum and the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission for the exhibit “Challenges and Choices in Pennsylvania’s Forests”; Senator John Heinz History Center for the exhibit “We Can Do It! WWII;” and Cliveden for the program “Liberty to Go to See.”