7th Annual Public History Community Forum

MARCH is co-sponsoring the 7th Annual Public History Community Forum. FREE with RSVP.

The Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities is proud to co-sponsor the 7th Annual Public History Community Forum, to be held on Wednesday, March 8, 2017, from 9AM to 3PM. We hope you will join us and other sponsors for a day of workshops, presentations, and panels intended to spark ideas and collaboration between Philadelphia-area public history professionals and students. This year’s theme is “‘This is Why We Fight’: Public History for the Public Good” and will feature archivists, educators, and museum professionals who use public history principles and programming to address issues of social justice and advocacy within their local community and beyond. The event will be held at the historic Benjamin Franklin Hall of the American Philosophical Society in Philadelphia. Annie Polland, Senior Vice President of Education & Programs at New York’s Lower East Side Tenement Museum, will present the keynote. Other presenters include:

  • Ismael Jimenez, M.Ed., Philadelphia Black History Collaborative
  • Sean Kelley, Director of Interpretation, Eastern State Penitentiary
  • Mary Mark Ockerbloom, Wikipedian in Residence, Chemical Heritage Foundation
  • Margery Sly, Director of Special Collections Research Center, Temple University

Coffee, pastries, and lunch will be provided. Although the event is free and all are welcome to attend, but we ask that attendees RSVP through Eventbrite so that we may be sure to provide adequate refreshments. Please plan to arrive between 8 and 9AM for check-in and coffee.

Find additional details and contact info on the MARCH Events page.