7th Annual History of Women's Health Conference

From H-Net New Jersey:

Please join us on Wednesday, April 18, 2012 for the seventh annual History of Women’s Health Conference at Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, PA. The conference will be held in the Zubrow Auditorium (handicapped accessible).

This year’s theme is From Self-Help to Genetic Screening: Culture and Science in Women’s Health. The conference is FREE and open to the public. To register, please RSVP to Stacey Peeples at 215-829-5434 or peepless@pahosp.com by April 15, 2012.

Keynote (7:30am-8:30am): Ruth Schwartz Cowan, PhD., Janice and Julian Bers Professor, History and Sociology of Science Department, University of Pennsylvania: “Climbing Up the Slippery Slope; Genetic Screening for ?-thalassemia on the Island of Cyprus”

Author of “Heredity and Hope: The Case for Genetic Screening” (Harvard University Press, 2008)

Session 1–19th c. Women’s Health (9am-10:15am)

Martha Yoder, PhD., (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) Female Sphere, Male Dominion: Women’s Health Care on the Slave Plantation

Jonathan Mercantini, PhD., (Kean University) “I have passed through fearful scenes:” Christine Kean Griffin and the Emergence of the United States Sanitary Commission

Teresa Blue Holden, PhD., (Greenville College) Medical Self-Help: Late Nineteenth Century African American Women and Family Medicine

Session 2–Cultural Understanding (10:15am-11:30am)

Alyssa McClanahan, MA Candidate, (University of Cincinnati) Catching Babies in the New World: A Case Study of Progressive Era Childbirth Practices among Immigrant Women in Cincinnati

Kelly Morrow, PhD Candidate, (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) Sexuality and Reproductive Justice on Campus: Sex Counseling and Feminism at Yale University 1969-1973

Lunch (11:30am-12:45pm)- $10 lunch buffet (Sandwiches including vegetarian, salad, fruit, dessert and beverage) offered in Great Court (Make checks payable to Pennsylvania Hospital Historic Collections and mail to Stacey Peeples, 3 Pine East, 800 Spruce St., Philadelphia, PA 19017).

Session 3-Advancements (12:45pm-2pm)

Sandra Trudgen Dawson, PhD, (Northern Illinois University) Marketing Professional Maternal-Child Health Services to Working Women in Britain, 1880-1939.

Deanna Day, PhD Candidate, (University of Pennsylvania) The Patient Labor of Reproductive Care: The Contested History of Fertility Charting and Female Physiology

Jessica Martucci, PhD., (Mississippi State University) “With the Help of My Breast Pump:” The Technology of Infant Feeding in the 20th and 21st centuries

Closing Remarks (2pm-2:30pm)