On Saturday, April 26, 2013, nearly 50 graduate students and professionals in the public humanities participated in the fourth annual Public History Community Forum—PubComm14. The event was held at the Philadelphia History Museum at the Atwater Kent. Participants were given the option of guided tours of either the National Constitutional Center or Christ Church and Burial Grounds in the morning.
Bob Skiba, President of the Association of Philadelphia Tour Guides provided the keynote address. Charles Croce, Executive Director of the Philadelphia History Museum then outlined the recent changes and future plans for PHM. The participants then toured the galleries.
A series of seven roundtable discussions were hosted by area humanities professionals:
Annie Anderson, Historic Site Researcher at Eastern State Penitentiary
Erin Bernard, Creator of the Philadelphia Public History Truck
Melissa Clemmer, Curator of Exhibits at the Mercer Museum/Bucks County Historical Society
Sophia Meyers, Collections Project Manager at the Delaware Art Museum
Mary Rizzo, Co-editor of The Public Historian
Elizabeth Thompson, Development Associate at the Asian Arts Initiative
Beth Van Why, Exhibit Operations Director at the National Constitution Center
PubComm14 was made possible in part through the continued support of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities.
Graduate students interested in planning the next PubComm should email:
Mandi Magnuson-Hung
Digital Media Coordinator & Programs Assistant
Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities (MARCH) at Rutgers-Camden