3rd Annual Public History Community Forum

The Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities (MARCH) at Rutgers-Camden is pleased to announce its continuing sponsorship of the third annual Public History Community Forum, PubComm13.

This year’s forum will be held on April 26, 2013 in the Cooper Street Library at Rutgers University in Camden, New Jersey.  The Rutgers campus is just one stop in from Philadelphia on the PATCO line (City Hall) and easily accessible on New Jersey Transit’s River Line (Cooper Street/Rutgers).  Guides to campus and the Cooper Street Library will be on hand to escort visitors as needed.  A limited number of parking passes are available as well.

Registration will open at 12:30PM and the meeting is expected to last until 5:30pm.  The committee welcomes graduate students in public history, museum studies and related fields as we as emerging professionals to attend this free event.  Participants are invited to take a walking tour  of historic Cooper Street designed by students from Rutgers’ public history master’s program.  After lunch (provided) attendees will interact with public humanities professionals in a series of informal roundtable discussions.  A brief discussion closes out the event by 5:30pm.  Conversations can continue in the nearby University Bookstore’s Starbucks or The Victor’s Pub.

Established professionals interested in sharing their wisdom are always welcome.  For further information, please contact Mandi Magnuson-Hung: mandimh@camden.rutgers.edu

Register for this free event at http://pubcomm2013.eventbrite.com/