28th Annual New Jersey History Conference: New Jersey in the Crucible of the Civil War

New Jersey in the Crucible of the Civil War – November 19,2011 (Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.)

Examine a series of diverse topics and discover New Jersey during the Civil War with one of three afternoon panels:

The Homefront will feature stories about Princeton’s allegiance to the Confederacy and Monmouth County families as husbands, fathers and sons marched off to war leaving their loved ones behind.

Women, Medicine, and the Civil War will explore medicine and Newark’s Civil War hospital. The panel will also examine the impact that some of the nation’s most prominent women had on Civil War era New Jersey.

The Soldier Experience captures the psychological impact and trauma suffered by both northern and southern soldiers and surveys the leadership style of the state’s officers and generals.

Conference Schedule is available here (PDF).  Registration form is available here.  Registration is $35 before November 7, and $40 after November 7.