2013 New Sweden History Conference

From H-Pennsylvania:

The 2013 New Sweden 375th Anniversary Conference will take place from Nov. 8 to 10, 2013 at the University of Delaware’s Clayton Hall in Newark, Del. with a live video-feed of concurrent sessions at the University of Lund in Sweden. Entitled “Encountering ‘Others’ in the Atlantic World: Perspectives from the Material World,” the conference is an international forum on comparative colonialism that will also serve as the annual meeting of the Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology and the New Sweden History Conference.

Conference organizers are seeking proposals for papers and sessions on topics related to 1) the Swedish colony that operated along the Delaware River 1638-1655, its European background, and its legacy into the early 19th century, 2) comparative colonialism, and 3) historical archaeology in the northeastern U.S. and Canada.

For information about submissions and about the conference, contact the co-chairs Craig Lukezic of the Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs at craig.lukezic@state.de.us302-736-7407; or Dr. Lu Ann De Cunzo of the University of Delaware’s Department of Anthropology at decunzo@udel.edu302-831-1854.  A detailed call for papers will appear on participating organizations’ websites later in January, with an April 15, 2013, deadline for submission of abstracts.

The 2013 New Sweden Conference is being organized by a coalition of organizations including the American Swedish Historical Museum, Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology, Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs, Delaware Historical Society, Kalmar Nyckel Foundation, Lund University Department of Archaeology and Ancient History Lund University Historical Museum, Lund University Library, Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Tribal Nation, National Historical Museum of Sweden, Old Swedes Foundation, Swedish Colonial Society, and the University of Delaware Department of Anthropology.