10th Annual Material Culture Symposium for Emerging Scholars

The Center for Material Culture Studies at the University of Delaware’s 10th Annual Material Culture Symposium for Emerging Scholars has been scheduled for April 14, 2012.  The Symposium will be held at the Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library.

Format: The symposium will consist of nine presentations divided into three panels. Each presentation is limited to twenty minutes, and each panel is followed by comments from established scholars in the field. There will be two morning sessions and one afternoon session, with breaks for discussion following each session and during lunch. The full program is available here.  The symposium opens on Friday April 13th with Keynote speaker Kariann Yokota, Assistant Professor of American Studies and History at Yale University.

Participants will also have the opportunity to tour Winterthur’s unparalleled collection of early American decorative arts and to engage in a roundtable discussion on Friday, April 13.